School Dances

1st Quarter Dance - November 8, 2024

2nd Quarter Dance - January 24, 2025

3rd Quarter Dance - April 4, 2025

Dress-up Dance - June 13, 2025

All dances take place on Friday nights from 7:00- 9:00p.m. sharp. Please do not leave your son/daughter at school prior to 6:50 p.m. and be here promptly at 9:00 p.m. to pick them up.

Student dances are held a four throughout the school year. In order for a student to be able to participate, he/she must meet the following guidelines:

  1. The student must be in attendance at school the day of the dance.
  2. The student must purchase a dance ticket at school during the time allotted for this purpose. No tickets will be sold at the dance.
  3. Only Lawrence School students in good standing are eligible to attend the dances.
  4. Any student who has been suspended (In-School or Out of School) will not be allowed to attend the next scheduled school dance. If a student has not been allowed to participate because of a suspension, he/she may attend the following school dance if his/her behavior is appropriate prior to the next dance. Ineligible students found at the dance will be suspended from school. Students furnishing a ticket to an ineligible student will be suspended.