1st Quarter Dance - November 8, 2024
2nd Quarter Dance - January 24, 2025
3rd Quarter Dance - April 4, 2025
Dress-up Dance - June 13, 2025
All dances take place on Friday nights from 7:00- 9:00p.m. sharp. Please do not leave your son/daughter at school prior to 6:50 p.m. and be here promptly at 9:00 p.m. to pick them up.
Student dances are held a four throughout the school year. In order for a student to be able to participate, he/she must meet the following guidelines:
- The student must be in attendance at school the day of the dance.
- The student must purchase a dance ticket at school during the time allotted for this purpose. No tickets will be sold at the dance.
- Only Lawrence School students in good standing are eligible to attend the dances.
- Any student who has been suspended (In-School or Out of School) will not be allowed to attend the next scheduled school dance. If a student has not been allowed to participate because of a suspension, he/she may attend the following school dance if his/her behavior is appropriate prior to the next dance. Ineligible students found at the dance will be suspended from school. Students furnishing a ticket to an ineligible student will be suspended.