Postural Screening, mandated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, will take place during your child's PE class. The purpose of the screening is to find early signs of possible postural problems in students in Grade 7 and 8. It is not a diagnostic service, but a program to identify young people who should have further medical evaluation. The majority of students exhibit no findings. You will receive a referral letter mailed home if there is a finding outside normal limits.
Vision Screening is done on all 7th grade students. We begin this process in November. If the student does not pass the minimum mandated testing you will be notified with a referral letter mailed home.
Body Mass Index is calculated from the students height, weight and age. Each student has their height and weight measured and recorded in their School Health record in grades 7 and 8 in PE class. The parents/ guardians of the students will receive information regarding your child's body mass index (BMI) in the mail from their PE teacher.
If you would like to have your child excluded from any of these screenings, please send a written request to the Health Office.